Due to the confidential and proprietary nature of my work at the Boeing Company, I am only able to share work that is already in the public domain. Below are examples I have pulled from the internet that show some of the projects I have worked on during my time at Boeing. While most of what is shown is actual pictures of finished hardware, I modeled all of the parts using CATIA V5. The patent art was also adapted from those models.
The following video is a Boeing flight of the 787-9 in preparation for the Farnborough Airshow. This video highlights some examples of the products I’ve worked on over my time at Boeing
I have pulled clips from the video to highlight and explain certain functions of the airplane, so that while watching, or re-watching the video, my work can be more easily seen.
787-8/9 Empennage, Airframe Structures Engineering
During my time on the 787 Empennage (tail section) I performed two major roles. As a designer, I developed and designed a ram inlet system, dubbed the "PASS door - Purge and Suction System", that was a key contribution to implementing Hybrid Laminar Flow Control (HLFC) on the 787-9 Tail. The design development included fully functional flight test models that were used in wind tunnel environmental testing (figure 2), which I personally supported on site. Below are some pictures of the hardware I designed on the airplane, as well as artwork from the two US patents for which I was awarded as inventor. (See figures 3 and 4, Reference US Patent No 8245976 and US Patent No US8484894). Figure 6 shows close up images of the production hardware on the airplane. Figure 5 shows the device in operation. I designed and modeled all of the parts of the assembly in CATIA V5 (3D CAD).
In addition to the design work on HLFC, I also had responsibility for empennage forward box composite panels, developing ice testing requirements and wind tunnel models, overseeing ice testing at the wind tunnel facility, group resource estimating and BCA partner coordination.
In 2015, I was awarded the Boeing Special Inventions award as part of the team that developed and implemented Hybrid Laminar Flow Control on the 787-9.

777X Wing Edges, Design Lead, Airframe Structures Engineering
The “Flaperon” is a Primary Flight Control Device in the Trailing Edge that functions as a flight control surface providing roll control to the airplane at high speed (aileron-like function); as well as a low speed, high lift function (flap-like function) – hence the name Flaperon. This device requires a complex cam-track type mechanism to slave motion between the flap itself and a spoiler like panel that sits above it.
For the 777X I designed a new mechanism which sits within fairings and is not visible from the outside of the airframe. It includes a simplified linkage mechanism to provide similar functionality to the 787 while reducing significant cost and weight. I was awarded as inventor on US Patent 9,580,168 – Cove Lip Door Slaved to Trailing Edge Control Device and 9,840,320 Trailing Edge Device with Bell Crank Mechanism for the design of these mechanisms.